What Is a Trademark Search?
Registering your intellectual property is an essential step in protecting your labor of love. If someone else registers a trademark that is similar to or the same as yours, you must change it or replace it. You can make sure that your proposed trademark won't conflict with any already-registered marks by performing a trademark search. Additionally, it can assist you in determining whether another party is attempting to register a trademark that might conflict with your brand name search or other brand-related identifiers.
To ensure a quick and simple trademark registration procedure, Applytrademark does a free trademark name search of your brand name, logo, design, etc. and compares it against multiple databases of registered trademarks before writing your trademark application. Since registered trademarks are placed into the database by the registrant, anyone attempting to register their own rendition of your brand identification or another mark that is similar would first need to pay a fee before it could proceed with the registration process.
How to Conduct a Trademark Search?
If you're trying to find a trademark that has already been registered with the trademark registration, trademark searches are very crucial. However, it's crucial to understand how to conduct a trademark search online before you begin your search. There are many different ways in which you can conduct a TM Search, but below are most common ways for trademark search in India:
Use a web browser to access the trademark search database and start your search for a trademark in India. Then, use keywords for trademarks or brands that you think are comparable to yours to search online.
Your greatest bet if you're seeking for information on an existing trademark is by far an online search. You can also utilize the Indian trademark database to search the trademark register online.
If the name you entered does not fit any of your search criteria, continue.
These databases occasionally disclose whether another business has requested brand name protection against your usage of it.
Each database record will make note whether someone else has applied for trademark protection against the use of your brand name and will typically include a link to their individual application.
After doing the search, the trademark registrar will send you a report of any trademarks that are similar to or might clash with yours.
Why Is a Trademark Search Necessary?
It's difficult to search for trademarks. Since they take a lot of time and work, many people opt to outsource the procedure. Your brand or company name can sound similar to other well-known marks; which trademark searches can help you distinguish. If your brand name has gained market recognition, you may be able to register it, therefore completing a trademark search is essential to save time and money. However, bear in mind that conducting your own search may be more expensive than using an agency. The following factors should be taken into account when choosing a trademark search company:
The business has experience in multiple industries, enabling it to deliver precise outcomes in a variety of sectors.
The fee that the company charges is moderate and competitive with that of other agencies.
To be sure that your possible trademark will be protected against infringement, find a respectable organization that delivers trustworthy results.
Trademark Search Process
If you're looking for a trademark that has been registered with the trademark registration, trademark searches are extremely crucial. On the Applytrademark search tool, you can perform a free TM search online. For additional advice on the subject, get in contact with our experts right now. The following actions should be taken by a business while doing a trademark search:
You can use a web browser to access the trademark search database.
Identify whether or not you ought to register a trademark.
Recognize the kind of trademark you require.
If the name you entered does not fit any of your search criteria, continue.
These databases disclose whether another business has requested brand name protection against your usage of it.
After doing the search, the trademark registrar will send you a report of any trademarks that are similar to or might clash with yours.
Things to Watch Out For When Conducting Your Trademark Search
- Make sure you're searching within the appropriate legal jurisdiction before beginning a trademark search online. The governmental organization in charge of copyright and trademark registration in India is the Indian trademark registry.
- Additionally, it's preferable to conduct a search through the trademark office of the country in which your business has applied for or intends to file for a trademark.
Next, it's critical to decide what kind of trademark, such as a brand name, a symbol, a design, or an identifier, you're attempting to look up.
- Before starting your search, make careful to identify the sort of mark you're looking for. Some trademarks can only be used on commodities, while others are more convenient to use on services.
- Finding a trademark that corresponds with services may be more challenging, but you shouldn't let it stop you from applying!
- Make sure to include all necessary information when submitting an application for the registration of your mark, including the applicant's full name, address, and date.
Why Choose Us?
We provide you with all the fundamental methods for carrying out a trademark search, as well as advice on what to watch out for and resources to use. A fantastic approach to kick-start this process is through outsourcing. When it comes to standing out and capturing customer interest, Applytrademark can give you the advantage. Forging success and avoiding common pitfalls requires having a clear understanding of your brand. We examine the trademark database in great detail. Throughout the procedure, you will receive the best care possible, and all of your inquiries will be addressed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you may utilize Applytrademark to perform a free trademark search on your own utilizing a public website. The following URL is the link to the Indian trademark database: https://ipindiaonline.gov.in/tmrpublicsearch/frmmain.aspx can also be used to perform a trademark search online utilizing the trademark registry or the Applytrademark search tool.
Conducting a trademark search is always advisable prior to submitting a trademark application for registration. A summary of your trademark's registrability under The Trademark Act of 1999 is provided through TM searches.
A trademark search is crucial to avoid unintended trademark infringement, save time and money, and be able to register your brand name if it has been recognizable in the market. Additionally, a global trademark search is frequently helpful to confirm if a mark is available for use as a domain name when a company's website is intended to have wide, international visibility.
It is preferable to obtain expert assistance to perform the trademark search even if it is not required to employ an attorney to do a free trademark search prior to filing. Along with the legal opinion of the attorney regarding the likelihood of trademark registration, you will receive a list of marks that are similar to the proposed mark. so use Applytrademark for any professional assistance with a trademark search.
You should be aware of the proper class of trademark for the products and services covered before filing a registration in India. There are 45 different trademark classes from which to choose for your trademark.
- Your greatest bet if you're seeking for information on an existing trademark is by far an online search. The following URL is the link to the Indian trademark database can also be used to carry out a trademark registry online search.
- Identify whether or not you ought to register a trademark.
- Recognize the kind of trademark you require.
- Send a request to the trademark registry.
- Defend the property's intellectual property.